Pyramids CR - constructions of extinct civilizations in our area

From the Beginning, Developed Humans Lived on the Earth with All Animals at the Same Time

Sporadic findings of giant human skeletal remains, human tools and instruments, as well as people-giants' footprints in the form of „petrified steps” preserved in the stream beds of ancient rivers and brooks, and other surface, confirm with still greater urgency the fact that the human beings, together with all other living creatures, lived on the planet Earth since the very beginning of its geological development. Thus, Darwin's obsolete theory of human development looses its validity completely. These findings suggest that already at that time, there were advanced human civilizations thriving on our planet. Apparently, these civilizations were building pyramids and other giant structures whose ruins have been buried under layers of rock for ages. Some believe that these pyramidal structures, built by human hands and using technologies totally unfamiliar today, produced, among other things, specific energy flows that in some places on earth's surface even today manifest active bursts of various energies.

These were works of our human ancestors of giant height who due to several cataclysms and severe deterioration of living conditions gradually diminished. The same has happened to many other species, which died out a long time ago. For the sake of the re-colonization of our planet after these global disasters, and because of a quickly changing and even „hostile“ environment, modifications of the human genome by means of genetic manipulations took place in the „nursery centers“ outside of the Planet Earth. Consequently, humans were gradually deprived of their original complex genetic „gear“, so they eventually lost their former extensive psychic abilities. Curiously enough, if we studied the evolution of mankind from this point of view today, we would arrive at the exact opposite findings than Darwin…

It seems likely that the most extensive geological changes of the Earth's mantle from Paleozoic to present-day Quaternary times could be initiated by global disasters caused not only by natural disasters, such as collision of our planet with another cosmic body, but also by violent human activities, such as interplanetary wars or inappropriate experiments. No matter how they occurred, it is important to realize that humans had directly participated on our planet's geological evolution, and that the civilizational development of mankind had been greatly disturbed by global and local cataclysms. It is believed, that the planet's poles changed location several times. Also the tilting of the Earth's axis was redirected, which eventually led to the alternation of four seasons. Some of the preserved pyramids from the pre-cataclysmatic times, whether they are found on our premises or world-wide, have different inclination in correspondence to Earth's axis today. They testify global catastrophe that changed inclination of the Earth's axis. The pyramids' present diversion from their original East-West orientation is exactly 23 degrees, which is the deviation angle of the Earth's axis from its original position.

The Pyramids on the Territory of the Czech Republic

The monumental pyramidal structures with „artificial finishing touches“ appeared on the Earth as early as in Paleozoic times. Their creators were people of giant stature. These pyramids were basically a part of mountain ranges or single hills modified into pyramidal shapes with specially sanded surfaces and with specific internal structures of tunnels and chambers. They were carved using technologies that are unfamiliar to us. The oldest structures on the territory of the Czech Republic are almost always secondarily modified hills of pyramidal shape, paneled with two to three layers of large panels of artificial geopolymer-based stone, with underground multi-level circular labyrinth, and a system of tunnels and chambers.

So far, we have been researching these „structures“ mainly in the districts of Znojmo and Vranov in Podyjí region. Due to the rich occurence of pyramidal structures in this region, we have named the region „the Valley of the Pyramids”, just for our work purposes. The ruins are located on both banks of the Thaya (Dyje) River. It is a large site where many preserved architectural elements can be seen, including the remnants of surface paneling, vertex pyramidions, rib-reinforcements, internal masonry, corridors, chambers and underground vaults. In these deep underground vaults we have so far always detected two giant human skeletons, nine to twelve meters long. All of the above mentioned construction details were carved using special machines or radiation, i.e. technology unknown to us today, or they were cast of the artificial stone-based geopolymers, similar to the stone-blocks used during the construction of the great pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

Yet there were still younger pyramids on our territory, apparently built during the Tertiary period, constituting larger urban complexes of geometric networks, built partly of stone or cast blocks, especially in the areas where there were no mountains. The pyramids had to be artificially constructed. The „pyramids“ in the Czech Republic are located in both, Moravia and Bohemia regions, and they belong to the type of construction widespread throughout Europe! During the first phase of our research we were primarily focused on Podyjí region, because in that vicinity, the Earth's mantle broke up during the Tertiary period. The pyramidal structures standing on these tectonic faults broke up as well, therefore their internal structure was exposed. Thanks to this phenomenon, it is possible to observe their structural elements preserved in the stone fields on both sides of the Thaya river between Znojmo and Vranov nad Dyjí up until today. Some of the pyramidal hills are preserved almost completely at full mass, such as the unique double-pyramid of the Šobes mountain and many others in other localities of the Czech Republic.

Inside pyramids, there are special crypts with giant human skeletons that were carved in hard underlying rock, which made them well protected against destruction from the elements or turbulent geological changes. We have indicated their existence and location mentally from the information field and have documented their „physical fingerprints“ and size through detection using a specially modified „L-wire“ which reacts even to objects and buildings that ceased to exist a long time ago. During the second phase of our research we were gradually mapping other perished structures built on the territory of the Czech Republic by our technologically advanced ancestors. We wanted to prove that our country, and the entire Europe do hide an underground evidence of ancient human history that is quite different from what is being currently presented to us.

The extraterrestrial civilizations were in contact with population on the Earth from the beginning of time. They have been intervening with the development of our planet in the past as they are intervening today as well. We have detected their „research stations“ or other technological devices underground in several locations in our republic and found out that some of them are still active and apparently in connection with the space bases out of our planet. It is possible to „communicate“ with them on mental level and through other ways. The fact that these civilizations were present on our planet earlier is supported by findings at many places on the Earth, often visible from space or from an aircraft only, and by some historical depictions from the past. When the humankind completely became extinct due to global cataclysms, an intervention from cosmos was needed so as to populate our planet again. In order to save humankind in hostile and challenging climatic conditions, underground cities were repeatedly built. Due to this strategy there are numerous buildings and underground corridors below ground level world-wide. The largest underground city with approximately twenty-storey buildings was discovered in today's Turkey in Cappadocia region. It was built at the command of an Egyptian pharaoh of the Old Kingdom. This fact had been recorded in a written statement. In the Czech Republic, there are also vast underground cities, interconnected by long-distanced underground corridors. We suggest that some of them were also built by extraterrestrial civilizations for the purpose of mining and quarrying of minerals or placement of the underground „stations“.

Mountain-formation, Processes of Earth development and Modern Methods of Dating

Archaeological findings of the perished advanced types of buildings are often dated by archaeologists only secondarily by inserted objects, whose dating tends to be obscured by inaccuracies caused by dating methods used today. Determining the age of natural materials over 10,000 years is already burdened with considerable errors. Such measurements additionally assume uninterrupted evolutionary development on Earth, which contributes to further distortion of the measured results. In dating practice today, mainly radiocarbon method and dendrochronology method prevail, detecting wood age from 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. The results of both methods are presented as strictly scientific, even though they are completely inaccurate in dating of older surveyed objects. A new view of the geological evolution of our planet, as well as of age determination of archaeological finds, were recently suggested by a German scholar Hans-Joachim Zillmer in his book „Darwin's Mistake“. Zillmer's work points mainly at weaknesses in dating rocks and completely challenges Darwin's theory of evolution of species and humans.

The understanding of geological development periods of our planet have began to change recently due to the assumption, that our planet was exposed to several local and global disasters. Zillmer also points out to consequences of cataclysms for the evolution of our planet and its population. He suggests that e.g. during an impact of a cosmic body on the surface of our planet, the surface was scorched not only at the crash site, but also in more remote areas, which would eventually result in rapid combustion of all geological mixtures on the Earth's surface. This led to rising of the sea level and would eventually destroy coastal and island civilizations. Due to burning limestone and clay in distant past a „cement-like mixture“ could make up which could allow rapid rock hardening, in a process similar to a solidification of concrete in construction industry today.

According to Zillmer, quicklime and slaked lime were made easily during mountain-building processes after spilling seawater over its surface. Lime is being burned ​​of limestone at thousand degrees Celsius. Lime slaking could occur during floods accompanying geological activities and disasters. Limestone rocks were formed during volcanic eruptions by means of carbon dioxide gas reacting with water. Consequently, relatively large amount of rapidly solidifying colloidal lime slurry appeared after lime burning and mixing with water. Through this sort of „petrifaction“ process, various organisms and animal tracks in soft basins were preserved in a similar way as we make prints in plaster today.

Zillmer further claims that such changes had to take place in a relatively short time. He sees impossible for the process to take millions of years, because the prints would have disintegrated over a longer period of time. Zillmer believes, that dinosaur footprints in river channels and fossils formation occured by its hardenning at high temperatures.

In his work, Zillmer not only corrects the origins and age of sedimentary rocks, but he also focuses on the process of formation of the igneous rocks. He researches the content of radioisotopes in these rocks. He concentrates on the latest exploration of granites using the decay of uranium 235 into free polonium 210, which have proved that the mentioned rock containing the radioactive isotope of polonium must also harden very quickly, that is no longer than in 140 days. In such case polonium would not break completely and would remain present in the granite. Measurements show that during formation of Paleozoic volcanic rocks, the Earth's atmosphere had completely different chemical composition than today, and the mountain forming processes and cooling down processes of the earth's crust had to be relatively quick in order to ensure preservation of free radioisotopes in minerals. It is obvious, that a revision of some principles of geology as a science must be done.

The question remains whether it is at all possible to determine objectively the age of our planet and the material it is made off today. Some current geophysical methods confirm quite tumultuous evolution process of our planet, showing that the Earth's magnetic field had fundamentally changed several times during its development, and even poles' positions were alternated several times. This could be caused by Earth's collisions with other cosmic bodies. Closer look needs to be given to the ice age period, when in a very short time a sudden crucial change in climate occurred within a large territory. This resulted in extinction of some species, such as mammoths, in the entire northern hemisphere. The meat of these animals was well preserved and food remains in the animals' stomachs suggest that these creatures froze very quickly – some even standing, with a mouthful or while giving birth. The stomach food samples show presence of fruits from large trees grown in temperate zone! Such findings testify the fact that favorable conditions for life were wide-spread in this region. Completely crushed skeletons of animals in mass graves located in Siberia, China and other areas suggest that the disaster causing eventual extinction of these animals must have been extremely dramatic.

At the same time, animals suffocated from ash and toxic gases were discovered, even entire trees with fruits that were shock-frozen were found, buried in the mud! All of this testifies cataclysmic changes where the Earth plates were gradually moving and disintegrating themselves, shifting Antarctica and other continents from temperate zone toward the North Pole. This is documented in so called „Stone Library” in Ica, Peru, where old maps and stone engravings of continents were recorded. A collision of the Earth with a cosmic body had to result in a change of direction of the earth's axis, causing sudden climate change. Many organisms perished due to a sudden heat shock. This would not be possible during several slow glaciation periods as the science of geology claims today. The climate change further led to establishment of seasons which altered the previously stable climate on Earth. Many animal species lost their favorable living conditions, therefore, they eventually died out.

The collision of cosmic bodies must have caused dangerous alternation of the planet's atmosphere. Cosmic radiation must have significantly increased and the living conditions were altered greatly. Extensive range of underground corridors and settlements on Earth indicate that the temporary shelters for the humans escaping from the harsh and hostile conditions on the planet's surface were needed. The humans must have survived the disaster living underground for a longer period of time.

Disapearance of Atlanis

Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians left us cryptic and direct reports about the Solar System and some Earth climate changes in their time. These include a representation of a distant planet in our Solar System named Nibiru, which has an extremely long orbit, therefore it cannot be observed even by the most advanced telescopes today. One of the ancient Sumerian clay plates shows two suns and one moon, which reveals a completely different arrangement of our Solar System at that time. Each return of planet Nibiru to the planet Earth was devastating. Apparently, that is why humankind has been carrying traumatic experience of cyclically recurring disasters on Earth, which was pushed deep into its unconsciousness and evokes apocalyptic visions always at the end of civilization cycles. The last written records that are questioned by scientists today, regard Atlantean civilization layer.

Sinking of a large island „in size of Libya and Asia together” is referenced in Plato's writings Timaeus and Critias from the 4th century BC. Plato mentions an island which was supposed to be located beyond the Pillars of Hercules in the Atlantic Ocean. From this island people have early sailed to the other hemisphere. At that time, Asia must have been much smaller than nowadays and, as depicted in drawings of old maps, it was still connected to North Africa. The work Critias describes the disappearance of Atlantis caused by earthquakes and floods, and well as sudden sinking of a large island of the expanse of ​​two hundred thousand square kilometers to the sea. Some scholars believe that Azores Islands in the Atlantic Ocean represent mountain peaks of sunken Atlantis. Rocks found on the see floor nearby were originally formed on the dry land, that later sank. The rapid sinking of this landmass into the depth of the ocean, sometimes two to three kilometers deep, is supported by existence of terrestrial diatoms, which used to live on dry land some twelve thousands years ago.

Disasters on Earth

Gods and Apocalypse by the Czech writer Ivo Wiesner, is one of the most daring works studying disasters on Earth during the last 120,000 years. In this work Wiesner lists numerous disasters and their consequences on life on our planet. He calculates that cataclysms corresponded with cyclical returns of planet Nibiru to our Solar System once in 6 115 years. In his oppinion, this „hidden planet” came to existence following the catastrophic collapse of a large „yellow planet” Tir, orbiting around the sun in the vicinity of the planet Earth a long time ago. Wiesner points out that similar gravitational fields of planet Tir and Earth caused disasters and could even involve mountain-forming.

Wiesner claims that after the first contact of the Earth and Nibiru, more than 115,000 years ago, orogeny of Himalayas and Andes occured and at the same time, two existing continents were destroyed. Simultaneously, the Earth's orbit around the Sun might have changed while moving away from the center of our galaxy. Thus, the temperature on our planet decreased considerably. Reocurring arrivals of Nibiru close to the Earth during the following 50,000 years brought additional cooling of the Earth's atmosphere, which led to extinction of large animals and thermophilic vegetation. Around 52,000 BC, during another global flood, the land of Mu allegedly perished, the temperature dropped again considerably and mass-extinction of mammoths and other animals began.

More than 35,000 years ago, another big flood – the „Babylonian” one – was also caused by arrival of Nibiru closer to the Earth, which resulted in another significant cooling of the Earth environment and further extinction of other animals. The third flood around 15,600 BC was supposed to flood Northern Europe, form the Strait of Gibraltar and create Lake Tritonis in Northern Africa. The process of disappearance ot the ancient Atlantis began at that time and was completed during the next arrival of Nibiru in 9564 BC. At that time, the cataclysmic disaster was extremely destructive due to the collision of other space bodies near the planet Earth.

During the 4th millenium BC, yet another sudden catastrophic termination occurred of several advanced civilizations in the Mediterranean region, i.e. Malta, Cyprus, Crete and others. At the same time, the South American Continent was exposed to heavy meteorite “rain” which brought about the end of many pre-Columbian cultures. The volcanic eruption in the Mediterranean sea in 1495 BC, causing destruction of Thera, was recorded in Egyptian and other ancient writings. The scholar suggests, that so far eighteen to nineteen destructive cycles of Nibiru have occured. The next one is calculated to happen in 2666 AD!

Paleomagnetic studies have confirmed the presence of large cosmic bodies close to Earth in the past. It is evident that the rocks were exposed to a stronger and higher intensity magnetic field. This could be due to the planet Nibiru cycles. Current explanation of geological description of Earth's mantle claims that plates or floes float on a semi-liquid layer of lithosphere. The plates are moving away from each other due to the continuous expansion of the planet. This is how the cracks in the Earth's crust and igneous lava ridges on the seabed are created. Wiesner mentions a total of eighteen to nineteen subsea lava seams on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, stretching from Americas to Japan. The number of these seams to correspond to the number of Nibiru approaches to the Earth. Wiesner concludes that it is the very gravitational field of the planet Nibiru which causes expansion of the Earth's mantle, moving the Earth plates apart, and causing volcanic activity in the central crevice at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Living conditions on our planet were about to normalize again around 80,000 BC when life on Earth was artificially restored by planting seven new human races from cosmos. According to Wiesner, our planet was gradually colonized in five evolutionary waves during its developmental history. In the third stage of its development, the first material human being of Adam Kadmon type was deliberately created by humans. This type of human then repeatedly suffered by the destructive cycles of Nibiru, often causing further deterioration of living conditions on planet Earth.

About 54,000 years ago the Earth was supposedly inhabited by advanced Aesir civilization in the Black Sea region, and by the Atlanteans who gradually achieved a highly developed scientific material level, most likely at the expense of their spirituality. After the destruction of these civilizations on the Earth new attempts appeared to populate the planet by means of genetic manipulation of the human genome. This resulted in transient human races, today considered by the Darwinists evolutionary ancestors of humans. Part of this advanced white race escaped to space, where they lived temporarily, another part survived underground or in caves. The mammoths' and other extinct animals' skeletons from mass graves from this time period and some human skeletons were discovered at the depth of about 18–40 meters under many layers of natural landfils. Finds of frozen bodies of mammoths in Siberia are dated to the period of 47,500–40,000 BC, which corresponds to the occurence of another devastating impact of the Nibiru cycle.

The subsequent catastrophe some 36,000 years ago brought about another rapid cooling of the northern hemisphere and extensive „Babylonian flood“ buried many civilizations, such as so called fourth human race, to which Stonehenge monument and other structures are attributed by Wiesner. The author claims that the fifth human race was planted from outer space in 32,400 BC, and consisted of the Atlantic group, the Black Sea area white race population and American continent population.

According to Wiesner, the first period of disappearance of Atlantis took place in about 16,000 BC. At that time, also the influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the Earth ended. Around 9500 BC, Atlantis was completely destroyed. This has been recorded by the Greeks who were given this information by the Egyptian priests-initiates. Greek written sources describe three large floods. The consequence of the first flood in 9569 BC was the formation of Strait of Bosporus and Dardanelles and flooding of the River Nile. At the same time, large earthquake occured on the Czech and Slovak land territory, to which a collapse of the Tatra Mountains peaks has been atributed. In the Near East, the advanced Obeid culture was thriving around 5000 BC whose many city ruins were discovered in the 20th century on the Syrian territory and in other areas.

The second flood recorded by the Greeks during the antiquity occured in 3449 BC as a result of a collision of the Earth with the asteroid Phaethon. The sea water flooded Mesopotamia and Mediterranean as well as the Black Sea regions, where only the highest peaks of the Caucasus mountain range remained protruding above the sea level! The Old Testament story of Noah and his ark comes apparently from this time. The arc was recently discovered by archaeologists on the biblical Mountain Ararat. The Obeid culture in Mesopotamia eventually perished, leaving behind abandoned developed cities which were never restored again. Again, the third flood in 1495 BC was recorded by the ancient Greeks in context with the collision of the Earth and Phaethon. Consequent earthquakes and explosion of Thera volcano on Santorini island caused widespread devastation of the Mediteriam region. These earthquakes were detected as far as in the Middle Egypt. Advanced civilizations on Crete, Malta, Cyprus, and other Mediterian islands were destroyed and only their ruins remind us of their existence.

Construction of Underground Cities for Survival of Humanity after Disaster

In her book „Catastrophobia”, B.H. Clow turns her attention to the ancient Egyptian texts from Edfu, containing reports of the mass exodus of the Egyptians to Cappadocia (Turkey). There are about thirty six underground cities in present-day Cappadocia where two hundred thousand people could reside alongside! Surveys have shown that these cities were in certain places 20-storeys deep, with sophisticated ventilation shafts, interconnecting tunnels and 8500 years old murals. Height of the passages increases in downward direction, as if it was designed for people taller than the occupants of the higher floors. According to Clow, these structures could be 12,000 years old; however, even older age is possible. They might be shelters even from the last ice age. It seems that Egyptians and other inhabitants of that region moved from flooded areas to the Anatolian Plateau that was located on the northern slopes of one large continent at the site of North Africa and Asia Minor. The continent, which was not totally flooded, was called Tyrrhenia.

Underground cities from 11th to 10th millennium BC can be found also in Peru, on the Giza plateau in Egypt, in Jerusalem as well as throughout Europe including the Czech Republic. After leaving the underground shelters, the Egyptians and other inhabitants of Mediterian area seem to permanently settle in Anatolia and Asia Minor where the new civilization began to develop which can we can considered a cultural cradle of Europe. By the time the Black Sea rose again, the shipbuilding had been quite advanced and the ships assisted the rescue of the residents from flooded areas, as stated in the Bible story of Noah and his family salvation.

Middle Eastern mythology highlights numerous disasters that took place in the region. In the Iranian scripture Zend Avesta, stories older than 12,000 years are described: a hero named Yim received order from god Ahura Mazda to build a var, i.e. an underground city for survival in a harsh winter striking after another disaster. Persian myths depict the fate of „unsullied couple“ Angra and Maynia and their fall which clearly corresponds to the biblical account of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from Paradise. Thus, a Persian influence on emerging Judaism is visible. In the Book of Enoch, the arrival of angels called Elohim, tall beings with white skin and white hair, is described together with two hundred guards who mingled with the local women who gave birth to children called „Nephilim“ (the fallen ones) of huge stature. They allegedly taught people about processing metals, astronomy, medicine, geography, etc. Nephilim could be an evidence of civilization advancement of giant people living on Earth.

Civilization Before the End of Atlantis

In his work Critias and Timaeus, Plato writes about sea levels constantly rising in the period of 17,000–10,000 BC. He describes wars for new territories between Atlanteans, Egyptians, and Greeks in the Mediterranean. The war supposedly culminated in 11,000 BC. According to Clow, Atlantis had considerable difficulties with sea level rising and with big changes in climate temperature and the geological shifts within the Earth's crust, also due to the poles' changing. One theory suggests that as soon as in the 15th millennium BC people began resettle from Antarctica, the mother continent of Atlantis, to the islands in the Atlantic Ocean, where Atlantean colonies were already located. Another disaster was contributed to Supernova Vela combustion at that time. Fall of Atlantis and of other contemporary civilizations was completed during around 9500 BC. Civilization vacuum occurred in the 9th–7th millennium BC, and only after a very long time some restoration of these civilizations began.

Due to the absence of written records, attention of contemporary historians is unilaterally directed almost exclusively to the famous ancient archaeological sites, mentioned mainly by the ancient historians and philosophers, while the early history of Europe and our country remains completely unexplored. This creates a notion that our country was „civilized“ as late as after arrival of Celts and Slavs during the „migration of nations“ in the 5th century. And yet, our country hosted many advanced civilizations in ancient times, which disappeared without a trace together with their records and material culture, almost completely destroyed by disasters. However, they are still buried under layers of rock and landfill.

Perished Advanced Civilizations in Our Country

At the present time, number of new findings of pyramidal structures as well as of other advanced buildings around the world is increasing, which indicates that the advanced civilization existed in archaic times on the territory of Europe similarly as elsewhere in the world. Even though only a very few complete objects were preserved, there is a number of ruins of these structures in our country, often called megaliths here. One of the oldest known advanced state formations on our territory is Great Morava, whose origins are probably much older than historians assume today. The beginnings of its history are unclear and blurred due to the lack of written sources and materials preserved from this period. This advanced empire had gained an important position and achieved considerable economic, spiritual and artistic level. Yet the question remains: at what historical developmental period of the planet did Great Morava empire actually exist?

Some researchers correlate the names Morava, Murava, Marawa or Marama with possible nothern Iranian origin of old Moravians. We also know from other sources, that during the „Black Sea Flood“ in the 6th millennium BC the Black Sea population of Vinka farmers was forced to leave quickly their homes and relocate via water or on dry land to Europe. They could easily settle in our land, which would explain the presence of mysterious buildings here that cannot be attributed to the Celts nor Slavs

There are so called „roundels“ found in the Znojmo region. The are located under a layer of loess strip settled here after the last large-scale disaster, which affected mainly the northern hemisphere territories from 45th degree of north latitude. Early medieval written sources describe people of Great Moravia as a nation of Vinids, even in the times when Slavs were settled there. This possibility was indicated also by the archaeological research of several Slavic fortified settlements such as Mikulčice where the older graves were discovered, placed separately, and containing human skeletons about 2.2 m tall, with different tomb equipment. This would give more sense than to attribute the empire's name Great Morava to the territory dotted with small churches from the empire's final period when, after many earthquakes and disasters, the great civilization was near its extinction.

It turns out that the „Old Moravians“ were always free and noble people, with their own distinctive spiritual Old-Moravian culture and language, which was approved in the 863 AD as a liturgical language by the Christian Byzantium thanks to the activity of Cyril and Methodius. Old-Moravian settlements were similar to those in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea. Close relations with these areas are also indicated by the popularity of jewelry with Iranian patterns or by breeding the Central Asian cattle. According to the scientists, the original Old-Moravian language, written with Glagolitic, bears some Eastern features as well. After disintegration of the Great Moravian Empire due to a big earthquake, Moravian tradition was partly preserved in later Russia, where the copies of the Moravian manuscripts were stored. It is possible to suggest that Russia and Bulgaria had become followers of the Great Moravian tradition. Even today, an Ukraïnean legend tells us that in ancient times, somewhere in the West the fabled land Muraviya was located. The archeological excavations under the Wenceslas Square in Znojmo showed skeletons of people with broken heads and bones under remains on an old Christian church, which points to the possibility of a catastrophic ending of the empire.

Only sporadic ruins survived from the original advanced „Great Moravian buildings”, which was apparently due to a natural disaster. Historians still disagree even on the location of the main „Rostislav's capital” of Great Moravia, which is described in historical annals as „impregnable fortress over the river, with high walls” and with great strategic position on a trade route. This description corresponds today only with Znojmo, which is why we chose the town as the main site of the first phase of our search for the perished ancient advanced civilizations on our territory.

Older Pyramids and Younger Pyramidal Units on Our Territory

On the Czech Republic territory, we gradually detected a variety of perished structures, now mostly in ruins and burried under thick layers of sediments of the Tertiary and Quaternary mixtures of rocks, sand and loess. Remains of architectural complexes constitute several layers of civilization settlements. Their perishing could be time-linked in the final development cycles of humankind with devastating disasters caused by the arrivals of planet Nibiru close to the Earth in the same way as it was the case elsewhere throughout the world. As the oldest in Znojmo region we determined the monumental pyramids with the base lenght up to 250 m. We assume that these structures formed a „sacred city“ around Thaya river, similar to Teotihuacan in Mexico, called by Aztecs the „City of Gods“, or to Mount Kailash in Tibet. The flow of the Thaya changed after a Tertiary cataclysm, so it is possible to suppose that originally the river used to divide the sacred precinct into two parts and flew between lunar-female part, a slope of today's Cow Mountain, and the oposite solar-male part where a pyramid, located today under Znojmo rotunda, formed an important point.

Sacred pyramidal cities were located throughout the world, often built near the rivers in accord to the dualistic concept of separate realms of the living and of the dead. We succeeded to discover pyramids in Podyjí region, in the ruins on the slopes of a deep Thaya valley between Znojmo and Vranov nad Dyjí, where there are numerous stone fields today, resulting from breaking of these giant structures in Tertiary earth cracks.

We also found that these monumental structures were artificially built by people of huge stature, who were nine to twelve meters tall and who were always buried in pairs in the underground crypts of these pyramids. These „ancestral graves“ were also serving as a databases of the human genome. Due to the nature of perishing of these pyramidal structures, it can be concluded that the end of this advanced civilization of giant humans could be time-linked with the Mesozoic disaster. During that time, the Earth's surface was scorched, the Earth's crust cracked and tore up, the sea water flooded and eventually covered the land with layers of sediments. This is visible in geological layers in Podyjí and Znojmo region. An important discovery for us was, that the diversion of the oldest pyramids from the East-West orientation was exactly of 23 degrees. That confirms that the pyramids in Podyjí region were built before the post-catastrophic Earth's axis tilt of 23 degrees!

It turns out that the life of the human race on Earth is closely linked with its “geological beginnings”, because the development of all animal species from the Paleozoic seems to take place simultaneously, as evidenced by many unpublished archaeological findings from all over the world. Although the existence of the giant animals in our area was not confirmed yet at the time of the first great pyramids with skeletons of humans-giants in underground crypts, it is possible to include the oldest structures in Podyjí region in the Mesozoic era, because their survey showed that they had been flooded by the sea for long time, so that the "fossilized imprints" of sea animals can be seen on their structural segments (which were not part of the construction material). In addition, surface walls of the pyramids were often scorched and cracked by tremendous heat, and quartzes crystallized in the cracks. This all is evidence that were later exposed to turbulent Tertiary geological processes when gneiss and conglomerates were created.

In addition to these oldest monumental pyramids, we have detected a large number of younger smaller pyramids in the territory of the Czech Republic, forming regular geometric urban complexes in Znojmo region. We also detected and measured the active circular emitters in their basement, which implicates that there is still underground high-tech equipment that may not be – due to their damage by the geological processes – always completely safe for human system. Numerous active emitters were found e.g. to the West of Znojmo near the roundel in Mašovice or near the fort of St. Hippolytus. Similar devices can be seen in many other places in our country, especially in mountain areas of northern and central Moravia.

"Tertiary settlement" of the Earth is thus represented by a civilization that has left behind densely populated cities with numerous pyramidal estates and other structures, built in an attempt to imitate on a smaller scale older monumental architecture of their ancestors. Both, large numbers of unified pyramidal structure units and other objects with cyclopean masonry, and underground continuous construction of settlements with long-distance corridors throughout vast territory of Znojmo region, reveal that at this time relatively large population had to live here. It was detected that even in the younger pyramids of uniform size of the bases (with the side length of 70 to 80 meters), there is a crypt inside, with two giant skeletons. So here the question arises whether these are older graves or whether part of a giant race survived and recovered lost civilization in given place in different living conditions.

Younger pyramids were built mostly in regular geometric networks and could have not only residential but also technical function. Through analyzing its construction details it is possible to confirm the hypothesis that some buildings could also be used for housing because the climate on the Earth after a cataclysm probably considerably changed and due to a tilt of the Earth's axis, change of seasons began. Giant skeletons in the crypts of the pyramids resemble to people today and differ only in proportions – the giants are slimmer, with smaller head in proportion to their stature. Considering the location of younger layer of the pyramids in the valley alongside the Tertiary cracks in the Earth's crust, we can assume that they were built after the oldest pyramids apparently disappeared catastrophically. Material of destroyed older buildings was then used locally for their construction.

It is difficult to say how long the civilization of pyramid cities lasted, and whether its inhabitants on the Earth lived together with giants. However, it is certain that the pyramidal corridors which we found were built for people of smaller stature. This could then confirm the hypothesis of coexistence of giants with people of smaller stature, but these could be also the instances of secondarily excavated tunnels leading into buildings at a time when people sought shelters for survival in the underground. The whole situation is even more obscured by the existence of underground multi-storey circular labyrinths beneath these pyramids, whose center is almost always identical to the top of the pyramids; height of the corridors increases downwards, similarly as is the case with the aforementioned underground cities in Turkey – and also in Znojmo.

Does Znojmo Rotunda Stand on the Defunct Pyramid?

During the archaeological research of the rotunda in Znojmo in 1954, which was to map the bedrock structures, after removal of about two-meter layer of rubble, regular tiles from large worked stone slabs was discovered under which – after digging off the gravel underlay upon the weathered bedrock of the rotunda – a special metal object wrapped in thick crust of rust and sand was uncovered. It was labeled as the medieval stone chisel or gouge. When examined more closely, it was found up that it was made by a different technology from slices of iron forged together with heat-sealed fibers. This metal tool would certainly deserve a detailed technological examination today, since it could be material evidence of settlement of promontory of Znojmo Castle and rotunda by an ancient advanced civilization, whose catastrophic destruction could be suggested just the surface crust on the subject consisting of rust and sand which could originate only from sintering at high temperature.

Research of the rotunda continued in the 1970s to the 1990s, and was more focused on the interior of the building and its foundation. Unusual stone wreath of masonry was detected, made by 2–3 flat stone slabs, which overhung into the interior of the rotunda. Structurally, these elements were completely meaningless, therefore they could be rather remnants of an older masonry of a destroyed building. The other specific findings were different sized holes dug in the bedrock beneath the rotunda floor without further specification which resemble the surface working of some Peruvian pyramids, where the holes form "traps" of cosmic or "emitters" of earth energy. It was also confirmed that the bedrock of the rotunda was artificially quarried and carved. Newly a recessed rectangular pit and unusual surfaces with smaller stone plateaus established in mortar on a ridge in the bedrock was found, nevertheless their meaning and the origin have not been satisfactorily clarified. Having had summarized all these findings, we came to the conclusion that it might be the remains from an earlier phase of construction, which ceased to exist in the past, and therefore it is not possible to exclude the peak of the pyramidal object.

The multi-level underground passages of Znojmo rotunda converge into a central space under the building and are vertically interconnected with a shaft. Geological survey of subsoil by the pulse geo-radar confirmed the existence of several cavities connected with the underground tunnels. Under the floor of the rotunda, greater crypt of about 3 m was detected. Again, the method of stamping, cutting and drilling of tunnels in hard bedrock is completely unknown, which in no way corresponds to presumed medieval origin, as historians still repeated. In addition, everything is connected with remote underground corridors leading far beyond the town of Znojmo. They are probably perimeter and radial corridors of a multi-storey circular labyrinth, that is almost always located under each pyramid in the Znojmo region and its center is always perpendicular under its peak.

Roundels and Underground Circular Labyrinths

The prehistoric circular buildings in South Moravia called roundels are considered as cultic sites. Archaeologists most often associate them with finds of pottery, dating back to the 5th–3rd millennium BC. They comprise of one or two circular ditches connected with each other, which were entered to through four gates. For example, Mašovice roundel to the west of Znojmo has an outer circuit with a diameter of 110 m and a perimeter corridor with a depth of 2–3 m and width of 3–4 meters, its inner moat stretching around the perimeter of a circle with a diameter of 80 m and its corridor having a depth of 3.5–4.5 m and a width of 5–6 m. Survey showed that it was built in two separate time periods, and confirmed that this building is one of the unique findings of the Neolithic period in our country. Prehistoric circular and other megalithic structures are now found all over the world, which indicates the existence of many perished antedeluvial and even older prehistoric cultures.

Mašovice roundel lies under a layer of loess, which clearly indicates that the building had to be built before the last catastrophe since the zone of non-layered loess settled here during the retreat of the sea. Cavities, chambers and corridors of the building remind more some kind of technological device that was only temporary located in soft clay subsoil and later either disappeared or was destroyed by high heat, which strengthened the walls of corridors in the fine loess soil. The site is also connected to the underground distance tunnels and the circular labyrinth lying under the roundel as a part of the defunct pyramid. During the energy survey, we found that there were up to now technical objects and still active emitters under the ground that were still affecting the atmosphere.

While researching the underground labyrinths we came to the interesting finding that circular multi-level labyrinths here found most often in places of the present-day sacral buildings and that their center is identical with the peak of the original pyramid, under which they were found. Into the circular central chamber with a diameter of about 5–7 meters, at a depth of about 6–20 meters underground, the radial corridors centrally converge, that are spatially connected with circular corridors which form concentric circles. From the center their mutual distance and their depth gradually increase so that the most distant circular corridor is already about 30–40 meters deep below the earth's surface. It is a kind of multi-storey underground labyrinth connected with the underground tunnels that pass through.

Among the best-studied multi-storey labyrinths in the Znojmo region count the underground rotundas connected with the distance corridors to the Fort of St. Hippolytus, the Cow Mountain, to the monastery in Louka and to other directions. Corridors lead from the rotunda through the valley and we have detected that they are "broken", apparently due to the rupture of the Earth floes when new riverbeds of Thaya and of its left tributary Gránický stream were formed. It seems that both of these surveyed distance corridors from Znojmo rotunda had to be built at the same time as the pyramidal structures with which they were well connected, i.e. before the disaster that caused the destruction of the oldest buildings in this area.

Interestingly, all the other circular central and other buildings of more distant periods are always located in layers one above the other and are built around the same architectural center. Their chronological order is not unambiguous; this time ordering suggests itself: older and younger pyramids with underground multilevel circular labyrinths beneath themselves – above-ground orthogonal zones with associated circular buildings – pillared halls with accompanying circular buildings of rotunda type – roundels, which is all linked to Znojmo underground, whose distance-corridors lead to neighboring Austria.

Mystery of Znojmo Underground

Znojmo is located at the interface of Thaya massif, where the crystalline igneous rock subsoil prevails, and Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. There are very hard fine-grained granodiorites, sometimes transformed into gneisses, which are often already weathered on their surface. Origins of the multi-layered Znojmo underground is by no means medieval, as I will attempt to further outline. There are no written documents about its construction, no plans or drawings. Neither did it serve to the extraction of minerals since the soil does not contain any. It turns out that all purposes of its use reported by the historians today are secondary. This sophisticated underground building, built in a very hard bedrock, with wide corridors with a height of up to 2 m, with many ventilation shafts, drainage channels, 54 pit-mined wells with a depth of up to 12 m and water tanks, fed from an underground spring, is structurally very advanced and it could hardly built using medieval mining tunneling technology within a few decades as now stated since even the machine technology of the 21st century would struggled with it considerably. An interesting finding is that the corridors tunneled in Znojmo igneous rocks are extensively fractured and shaled in many places, suggesting that after its completion it had to be exposed to high temperatures! The whole Thaya massif in this areas is greatly disturbed by tectonic faults, and therefore Znojmo underground in many places falls through today. We can say that the builders certainly have not implemented their ingenious construction plans in the damaged massif, which implicates that this is a very old monument.

In the historical center of Znojmo, there was also monitored the water system in shaft wells, accessible from the underground, driven directly into the hard rock, which formed part of an advanced water system. Groundwater in the magmatic bedrock gathers and rises by absorption in the system of fissures, which occures in the the Thaya Massif about 20 meters underground in rocks not yet weathered. A hydrogeological survey indicated that the water system here played an important role from the very beginning, as it provided drinking water necessary for survival of population in the underground, when the living conditions on the earth's surface after disasters was apparently very unfriendly. Life in the underground cities was dependent on the intake of drinking water and safe food, filtered air and light, which were probably in turn provided by the technical structures on the surface which were connected with the underground through circular passages of so called octagonal zones.

Technical Buildings of the "Atlantic-Type"

As indicated, the Znojmo underground is also closely related to aboveground structures in the form of so-called "octagonal zones", consisting of unified octagonal towers with water channels with a width of 30 m and circular openings into the underground with a diameter of 4–5 m, which were spaced 10 m. These objects formed the inner border of the moat and – similarly as the roofed octagonal towers – they represented completely unified technical structures with water channels of the same width, same as it was mentioned in Plato's description of the Atlantis capital city. One of the preserved exits from the underground is "the Wolf Pit" near King's See to the west of Znojmo or a stone fountains in the historic center of the city, e.g. the courtyard of Znojmo Castle or near the monastery of Friars Minor. Due to the nature and function of these structures we gave them the working title of "Atlantic type".

Unknown column structure with circular towers and the Great Morava

To determine the time of detected monumental rectangular "basilica" structures with unified columns with characteristic heads, with underground crypts and accompanying circular objects that we labeled for the purposes of our work as "pillared halls", is not easy, even though they could be found in specific time throughout the territory of our republic and probably in the whole of Europe. These pillared halls have always completely unified six-meter high stone columns with high heads, whose fragments appear in relatively shallow layers beneath the earth's surface, placed in the same direction, as if collapsed as a result of sharp impact of tidal sea wave or of an explosion accompanied by a pressure wave. In places where these buildings originally stood before their catastrophic destruction, churches and small church architecture are now most commonly found, which could pointing e.g. to similar use of energy points and lines of the sacral buildings with similar religious traditions. These monumental structures had to be built before the last devastating disaster because some of their parts, e.g. of the cliffs of the Znojmo Castle, fell into the deep Gránické valley. If this was an architectural contribution of the latest advanced civilization on our territory, then this civilization could by right bear the name "Great Moravia population".

Why would the builders of these objects could be just Vinids form the Black Sea? Then it would be possible to date the pillared halls to 6th–th millennium BC and to regard them as a cultural contribution of the inhabitants from the Near East. We have found that the pillar halls in the Znojmo region were destroyed under quite dramatic conditions, and almost nothing from their walls was preserved. This could then also explain why the civilizational development in Europe and in our country stopped for so long, while in other parts of the world the ancient cultures flourished and thrived. Given that there are no written reports, this hypothesis could cast light on the absence of advanced architecture in Europe during a long period of antiquity to the early Middle Ages.



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